A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Gideon: Part 11 of 13

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Preview: Faith heroes. This is the eleventh lesson in a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Judges 6:1-10.

Memory Verse: Jeremiah 7:19.

1. Why was Israel in such deep trouble according to the foregoing Scriptures?
Note: God’s people had turned from their faith and obedience to Him. They had adopted the practices of the ungodly nations around them. Can we see this same attitude in the churches today?
2. How did God warn His people against disobedience? Jeremiah 7:20, Jeremiah 7:23-24.
3. What is the only cure for any nation who does not trust and obey? II Chronicles 7:14.
4. Who did God send to deliver Israel when they repented and prayed? Judges 6:11-14.
5. How did this poor farm boy react to this call? Judges 6:15-24.
Note: First of all, Gideon recognized his own inability to deliver Israel, and then he showed hospitality to his guest even before he realized that it was an angel. Next, he honored God by erecting an altar to Him. These are the steps that we must take in order to come to Christ. First, acknowledge our own inability to save, have a hospitable heart of love, and present ourselves as living sacrifices at the altar of God.
6. What was God’s first commission to this newly called servant? How did he respond? Judges 6:25-27.
Note: Gideon obeyed God, although, it could have cost him his life.
7. How did the people react? How did Gideon’s father react? Judges 6:28-33.
8. What sign did God give him that he had indeed called him to deliver Israel? Judges 6:36-40.
Note: There is no deliverance from bondage and sin until our idols and false practices are torn down. Even before Gideon asked for and received a sign from God, he had already shown a spirit of courage, faith, and obedience by destroying the altars of Baal.
9. Why did God want Gideon to have only a few good men in his army? Judges 7:2.
10. How did He select His army? Judges 7:4-8.
Note: God wanted Israel to know that it was not their strength, but His power that saved them. He is still in the miracle business, but we can only see His miracles when we have faith to obey His Commandments, even though our circumstances may say no. God is not impressed with quantity, He demands quality. His army is still made up of a few good soldiers. Are you in the army of the Lord?
11. How did God give Gideon and his three hundred men victory over so many? Judges 7:15-22, Judges 8:10.
12. How did Gideon show honor to God when the people sought to honor Gideon? Judges 8:22-23, Judges 8:28, Judges 8:32-35.
Note: God called and blessed this most unlikely servant because He knew he would be obedient. No wonder Paul included him in his hall of faith in Hebrews 11:32. What is your response to success? Do you remember to give God the glory?

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

A Great Cloud of Witnesses: Part 1 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Abel Enoch Noah: Part 2 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Abraham: Part 3 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Isaac: Part 4 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jacob: Part 5 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Joseph: Part 6 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Moses: Part 7 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Joshua and Caleb: Part 8 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Rahab: Part 9 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Deborah and Barak: Part 10 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Gideon: Part 11 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jephthah: Part 12 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Our Place: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.