A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Moses: Part 7 of 13

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Preview: Faith heroes. This is the seventh lesson is a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 1:1-22.

Memory Verse: Acts 7:20.

1. Discuss the conditions that prevailed in the foregoing Scriptures at the time of Moses’ birth. How did God bless the midwives and why?
2. What provision did Moses’ parents make for his protection? Exodus 2:1-4.
3. What provision did God make for him? Exodus 2:5-10.
Note: According to Pharaoh’s command, this Hebrew baby should have been killed. Instead, we find Pharaoh’s daughter adopting him as her son. Furthermore, she pays his own mother wages to take care of him. Moses had been born, preserved and prepared to deliver God’s people out of Egypt, just as Joseph had led them there four hundred years before, exactly as God had promised Abraham. Only an almighty God could have arranged that. If your own life seems to be between a rock and a hard place, with nowhere to turn, just remember God is working out something good for you. If you love Him, and are in His purpose, He never fails! Romans 8:28.
4. How was Moses educated and prepared to fulfill his calling? Acts 7:21-22, Exodus 3:1.
5. What happened to Israel’s deliverer when he did not wait for God’s timing? Exodus 2:11-15, Acts 7:23-29.
Note: Moses had been educated in all the ways of the Egyptians. Also, his mother had taught him about the God of his own people. At the age of forty, he thought the time had come for him to deliver Israel from bondage. He was forty years ahead of God’s timing. Moses needed the wilderness experience to humble and prepare him for the awesome task before him. After forty years of hardship, at the age of eighty, Moses was ready and God’s time was right.
6. How did Moses react to God’s call? Exodus 3:11, Exodus 4:1, Exodus 4:10.
7. How did God reassure him that he would always be with him? Exodus 3:14-15, Exodus 4:11-12.
Note: God has given us the same assurance today. Why should we doubt Him? Hebrews 13:5-8.
8. Why was Moses’ staff called “The Rod of God”? Exodus 4:2-5, Exodus 4:17, Exodus 7:9-10.
Note: In order to comprehend the power that this staff represents you need to prayerfully read Exodus chapters seven through ten. Let us ask ourselves “What is in our hands? How would God have us use it?” Let us remember that our hearts must be willing to obey and we must follow God’s way and timing.
9. How must we relate to the life and ministry of Moses? Hebrews 3:1-8, Hebrews 11:23-27.
Note: If the faith and works of Moses do not show you your need for Jesus Christ, then you studied this lesson in vain.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

A Great Cloud of Witnesses: Part 1 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Abel Enoch Noah: Part 2 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Abraham: Part 3 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Isaac: Part 4 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jacob: Part 5 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Joseph: Part 6 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Moses: Part 7 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Joshua and Caleb: Part 8 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Rahab: Part 9 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Deborah and Barak: Part 10 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Gideon: Part 11 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jephthah: Part 12 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Our Place: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.