The Seven Seals

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Preview: A review of John’s vision regarding the seven seals in the end times. 

Scripture Reading: Revelation 5:1-14. 

Memory Verse: Revelation 5:4. 

1. What did John the Revelator see in the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne? Revelation 5:1. 
Note: The book which John saw contained a revelation, possibly, the reward of the saints, which could include the history of the Church. It was sealed with seven seals. The number seven in the Scriptures denotes completion or perfection. Seven Spirits, seven trumpets, seven Churches, seven days of creation, the Seventh Day is the Lord’s day. This book was sealed with seven seals, bear this in mind. 
2. What was the angel’s challenge to the world? Revelation 5:2. 
3. How many responded to the challenge? Revelation 5:3. 
4. How did it affect John the Divine? Revelation 5:4. 
5. What were the encouraging words the elder gave to John, and how long was John permitted to weep? Revelation 5:5. 
Note: We would better understand the Book of Revelation today if more people would weep and pray as John did when he received the book; when we become as earnest and anxious as John God will send an angel and reveal to us the mystery contained therein. The lion, the tribe of Judah, the root of David has prevailed to open the book and to loosen the seals thereof. Christ is here, called the lion, the tribe of Judah. The lion is the king of beasts, therefore, it is a fit emblem of kingly authority and power. The root of David: Christ shall reign on David’s throne. See Luke 1:32-33. 
6. What did John see when he looked in the midst of the throne? Revelation 5:6. 
7. What did the Lamb do with the book? Revelation 5:7. 
8. What did the four beasts and the twenty-four elders do? Revelation 5:8. 
Note: The four beasts is a very unfortunate translation. The Greek word denotes living creatures. Bloomfield says, four living creatures, not beasts. The twenty-four elders represent the twelve apostles and the twelve patriarchs which will sit on the throne with Jesus on the Judgment Day, and must still be future, as the Judgment is future. 
9. How did the breaking of the seven seals affect the twenty-four elders, and what words composed their song? Revelation 5:9-10. 
Note: This should make us all happy. The slain Lamb, the root of David, is to reign on David’s throne, and He will make us kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth. There will be representative from every nationality. 
10. What will continue on earth during this period? Genesis 8:22. 
11. How many angels did John see? Revelation 5:11. 
12. Were they all silent, or weeping and crying? Revelation 5:12. 
13. How did they further praise God? Revelation 5:13. 
14. When will the kingdom of this world become the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ? Revelation 11:15. 
15. When will the Lord set up His Kingdom on this earth, when He comes, or a thousand years after He comes? Daniel 2:44-45. 
16. To whom is this glorious promise given? Revelation 2:26. 
17. How did this further affect the four creatures and the twenty-four elders? Revelation 5:14. 
Note: This should give us joy and happiness knowing that when the seventh angel sounds, which is still in the future, this world will become the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us rejoice forevermore, praising God. Amen. 

Other Lessons* in this series:

The Seven Seals
The Seven Seals II

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.