Grace and Works: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: A lesson on the things that lead to our salvation. Part one of a two-part lesson of the same name.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 20:1-17.

Memory Verse: Matthew 1:21.

1. By what are we saved? Ephesians 2:7-9.
2. What is the saving gift of God? John 3:16.
3. How was this accomplished? Ephesians 2:11-14.
Note: Christ is the Father’s gift to all mankind. He came to save that which was lost. No man can save himself by his own works. A gift cannot be earned; neither can it be bought. We must accept Christ and His atonement for us, but first of all we must repent and be converted. On that condition He will blot out our sins. He that will not repent of his sins cannot receive the gift of God.
4. How did Peter explain salvation? Acts 2:36-38.
5. How did Peter further teach about salvation? Acts 3:19.
6. Is that promise for us today? Acts 2:39 & Luke 24:46-47.
7. What brings about true repentance? II Corinthians 7:9-11.
Note: Repentance was preached by Christ and all of the disciples, but there can be no need of repentance and conversion if the law is abolished. He that makes void the law should not preach repentance. We hear some say keeping the Ten Commandments requires works, but no works are required to keep any of the Ten Commandments. No works are required to keep from killing, stealing, lying, or committing adultery. No works are required for the keeping of the Sabbath day. Rest is without works. Many have been deceived as they have been taught keeping the Commandments requires works, but it is true it takes works to transgress the Ten Commandments.
8. Will the new creature in Christ perform good works? Ephesians 2:10.
9. Did David make void the law? Psalm 40:7-10.
10. Did Christ make void the law? Isaiah 42:21.
11. How did Christ magnify the law? Matthew 5:17-22.
12. How did Christ magnify the seventh Commandment? Matthew 5:27-28.
Note: He did not make void the Ten Commandment Law, rather, He established and magnified it.
13. What did Christ abolish by His death and resurrection? II Timothy 1:10, Hebrews 2:14-15 & Colossians 2:14-17.
Note: It was the law of DEATH that Christ abolished for everyone that repents of their sins and accepts of Him. Christ abolished the ordinances and animal sacrifices when He became the Lamb of God “slain for our sins.” It was the sacrificial laws which were abolished, NOT THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. The Ten Commandments express God’s will for our life. This is the law written in the mind and heart of those who are born again by the Spirit of God. Hebrews 8:7-13. Law and grace work together.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Grace and Works: Part 1 of 2
Grace and Works: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.