Our Jewish Roots - The Mystery of God is Revealed: Part 13 of 13

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Preview: A history of God’s chosen. This is the thirteenth lesson in a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 3:1-21.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:12.

1. Had it been a great mystery to man in the foregoing Scriptures that salvation would be extended to the Gentiles just as it was for the Jews?
2. What did Peter’s housetop vision reveal to him? Acts 10:28, Acts 10:34-36 & Acts 10:43.
Note: Even though God had inspired the prophets to foretell the mystery that God would include the Gentiles in His covenant of salvation, they and the people could not understand how this could happen. Hebrews 10:16-18.
3. How did Paul explain this to Titus? Titus 2:11-14.
4. Why did Israel as a nation reject Jesus as Lord? Romans 11:1-5 & Romans 11:11-12.
5. Are Gentile believers grafted into the same holy vine that Israel was attached to? Romans 11:15-18.
6. Why were the original branches broken off? Romans 11:19-25.
7. Is there any difference between a born again Jew and a born again Gentile? Romans 10:9-13.
8. How do we become children of God? Romans 8:10-17 & I Peter 1:22-23 & I Peter 1:25.
9. Who and how many souls were sealed as first fruits before the Gospel went to the Gentiles? Romans 8:22-23, Romans 11:16, James 1:16-18, Revelation 14:1-5 & Revelation 7:4.
Note: James and Paul believed that they were among the first fruits of those who were sealed and redeemed by the Blood of Jesus. Romans 11:16 says plainly that Israel was the first fruit. Revelation declares that God redeemed one hundred and forty-four thousand as first fruits from Israel. Revelation 7:4 & Revelation 14:1-5.
10. Did God break His Covenant with Abraham and the house of Israel? Malachi 3:1-6, Isaiah 49:7-8, Isaiah 49:14-16, Isaiah 49:22-23, & Romans 11:17 & Romans 11:21-23.
Note: God never broke a Covenant, neither has He forgotten His promise to faithful Abraham. He will re-gather a remnant of Israel, and they will realize that Jesus Christ is their Messiah. Israel will not join the Gentile church; the born again Gentiles have been grafted in to the Body of Christ, which has its roots in Judaism (Jesus was a Jew). We cannot be in Christ without the law and the testimony. Isaiah 8:20, God has not changed, neither has the Word.

Other Lessons* in this series:

Our Jewish Roots - What is in a Name: Part 1 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God Delivers His People from Bondage: Part 2 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God's Firstborn Nation: Part 3 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 4 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 5 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 6 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land: Part 7 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land: Part 8 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God Knows the Heart of Man: Part 9 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Entering the Promised Land: Part 10 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - The Lion of Judah: Part 11 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Light to the Gentiles: Part 12 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - The Mystery of God is Revealed: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.