Armor of God - The Helmet of Salvation: Part 11 of 13

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Preview: This is the eleventh part of a thirteen-part series entitled: ARMOR OF GOD.

Scripture Reading: Romans 10:1-13.

Memory Verse: II Corinthians 7:10.

1. How can we put on the helmet of salvation according to the foregoing Scripture Reading?
Note: Before we put on armor we must first recognize that we are in a battle which we cannot win without this protection. Jesus Christ (the Truth) is this helmet of salvation.
2. Can we have salvation apart from obedience? Romans 5:8, Romans 5:19 & Hebrews 5:8-9.
Note: There is no hope for salvation without a spirit of obedience. This is achieved through suffering, sacrifice, and self-denial.
3. What evidence do we have that our hearts are right with God? Philippians 1:27-29 & Philippians 2:1-4.
4. Who set this example of love and suffering? Philippians 2:5-8.
5. How did His Father reward Him? Philippians 2:9-11.
6. What did Paul instruct us to do? Philippians 2:12-15 & Colossians 3:1-3.
7. How did He describe His own relationship with God? Philippians 3:1, Philippians 3:3-11.
Note: The foregoing Scripture makes it very clear that Jesus, Paul, and all the saints who have gone before us suffered unjust persecutions and sacrifices. So must we.
8. Did Paul feel that he had attained his highest degree of perfection? Philippians 3:12-14.
9. What did he instruct us to do about our goal? Philippians 3:15-16.
Note: Paul realized that the battle is not over until the end of this life. Satan is battling for our minds. Our only hope of salvation is the helmet of Jesus Christ (Christ in us).
10. How sure was Paul that he had won the battle at the end of his life? II Timothy 4:7-8.
Note: He had no doubts. Neither will we if we do not compromise.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Armor of God - Christian Warfare: Part 1 of 13
Armor of God – Truth: Part 2 of 13
Armor of God - Truth II: Part 3 of 13
Armor of God - Breastplate of Righteousness: Part 4 of 13
Armor of God - Breastplate of Righteousness II: Part 5 of 13
Armor of God - Preparation of Peace: Part 6 of 13
Armor of God - Preparation of Peace II: Part 7 of 13
Armor of God - Preparation of Peace III: Part 8 of 13
Armor of God - The Shield of Faith: Part 9 of 13
Armor of God - The Helmet of Salvation: Part 10 of 13
Armor of God - The Helmet of Salvation II: Part 11 of 13
Armor of God - The Sword of the Spirit: Part 12 of 13
Armor of God - Review: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.