Confession and Forgiveness: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: This is the second part of a two-part lesson regarding the importance of confession and forgiveness. 

Scripture Reading: II Peter 3:1-18. 

Memory Verse: Isaiah 1:19. 

1. What did Moses ask of the Lord for the iniquities of Israel? Numbers 14:19. 
2. What reply did the Lord immediately make? Numbers 14:20. 
3. What affect did the prodigal’s repentance have on his father? Luke 15:20-21. 
4. In what way did the father show his joy when his son returned? Luke 15:22-24. 
Note: There is always rejoicing among the servants of God when people turn from wickedness to righteousness as did the prodigal son. We should always be willing to confess our transgressions with our mouths and put righteousness into action by changing our ways. It is impossible to change our ways if we are unwilling to confess with our mouth. 
5. What is felt in Heaven when a sinner repents? Luke 15:10. 
6. What did Hezekiah say God had done with his sins? Isaiah 38:17. 
7. How completely does God want us to be separated from sin? Micah 7:19. 
8. How far does God remove our sins when He forgives us? Psalm 103:12. 
9. What did the people do after they heard the preaching of John? Matthew 3:5-6. 
10. How completely did some of the people at Ephesus respond to the truth? Acts 19:18-20. 
11. From whom does repentance and forgiveness come? Acts 5:30-31. 
12. What is the only unpardonable sin? Matthew 12:31-32. 
Note: God’s Holy Spirit and His Holy Word convicts mankind of sin and points the convicted individuals to God’s plan for pardon. Those who refuse to accept God’s Word and His Spirit refuse to accept pardon for their sins. The unpardonable sin is the sin which refused to be pardoned. 
13. What method did Christ give to us when asking for forgiveness? Matthew 6:12. 
14. What spirit must we cherish if we want forgiveness from God? Matthew 6:14-15. 
15. What will be our reaction toward our follow man after God forgives us? Ephesians 4:32. 
16. In what condition are those who have their sins forgiven? Psalm 32:1-2.  

Other Lessons* in this series:

Confession and Forgiveness: Part 1 of 2
Confession and Forgiveness: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.