Fear - Why Is God to Be Feared? Part 7 of 9

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Preview: This is the seventh part of a nine-part series of lessons entitled: FEAR.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 15:1-19.

Memory Verse: Exodus 14:31.

1. How great and mighty is our God according to the foregoing Scriptures?
Note: When the children of Israel witnessed God’s unlimited power and might at the Red Sea, it was simple enough for them to fear Him and vow to serve Him forever.
2. How long did it take them to forget their fear and commitment? Exodus 15:22-24.
3. Did God forgive and reaffirm His promises to them? Exodus 15:25-26.
4. How soon did they forget again? Exodus 16:1-4.
Note: By the fifteenth day of the second month of their deliverance from Egypt and their great Red Sea experience, they had lost their fear and trust in God. Let us take heed to ourselves lest we be found guilty.
5. How merciful was God and His servant Moses to these disobedient and unthankful people? Exodus 16:5-8 & Exodus 16:12.
6. Did the people reaffirm their commitment to God in their third month out of Egypt? Exodus 19:1-8.
7. What did God tell Moses that He expected them to do? Exodus 20:1-17.
8. What was the purpose of these Commandments? Exodus 20:18-20.
Note: God has not changed. What He required of His people Israel He requires of His Church today. The only way we can be free from sin is to live committed, dedicated, and obedient lives. Christ is our example. He will empower us to do it.
9. How explicit were God’s requirements? Exodus 20:21-26.
Note: He is very clear and exact. He leaves no room for us to lean to our own understanding.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Fear - Fear of God: Part 1 of 9
Fear - Fear of God II: Part 2 of 9
Fear - Fear of God Versus Fear of Man: Part 3 of 9
Fear - Fear Modified: Part 4 of 9
Fear - The Benefits of Fearing God: Part 5 of 9
Fear - The Danger of Fearfulness: Part 6 of 9
Fear - Why is God to be Feared: Part 7 of 9
Fear - Why is God to be Feared: Part 8 of 9
Fear - How to Know that We are in the Fear of God: Part 9 of 9

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.