The Fruit of the Spirit Is Joy: Part 3 of 13

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Preview: An in-depth study of the fruits of the spirit. This is the third lesson in a thirteen-part series on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Acts 16:13-28.

Memory Verse: Galatians 5:22.

1. Discuss how Paul and Silas displayed joy in the midst of suffering and trials in the foregoing Scriptures.
2. How did their example affect those who witnessed it? Acts 16:29-34.
3. Consider another example of joy in the midst of tribulation. Acts 5:17-34 & Acts 5:38-42.
Note: Often happiness is confused with joy, but happiness depends on the external experience (what is happening at the moment). Joy comes from the inward character. It does not depend on our circumstances, or where we are, but who we are in Christ. The Greek word for joy also means cheerfulness, calm, delight, or gladness.
4. Does true joy belong to those who trust in the Lord? Psalm 16:8-11 & Nehemiah 8:9-10.
5. Why do the children of God rejoice in Him? Isaiah 12:2-4 & Acts 8:36-39.
6. How can Christians rejoice in tribulations? Luke 6:38, Luke 6:20-23 & Acts 14:19-22.
7. Did Jesus pray that His followers would be filled with joy in the midst of a troubled, hate-filled society? John 17:9-20.
Note: The Gospel of Christ has never been popular with those who do not know Jehovah as their Heavenly Father. Instead, they find fault and seek to tear down and destroy those who are doing His work and His will. Jesus prayed that His born again followers would be filled with the joy of Salvation, that they may be able to endure to the end.
8. Is there a connection between enduring joy and love? John 15:8-12.
9. How fleeting is joy for those who do not have the salvation of the Lord? Ecclesiastes 2:8-11 & Job 20:3-9.
10. What comforting words do we find for the saints who endure trials without faltering? Psalm 30:4-5 & Psalm 126:5-6.
Note: Troubles and trials come to saint and sinner alike. Each also has his period of rejoicing. The difference is when troubles come to sinners, they lose their joy. When God’s children confront trials, they still have the joy of knowing that this will pass, and God is preparing a home for them where there will be no more sorrow or trouble; joy forevermore.
11. Should we constantly keep the example of Jesus uppermost in our thoughts? Hebrews 12:1-3.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

The Fruit of the Spirit - A Tree Planted By the Rivers of Water: Part 1 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Love: Part 2 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy: Part 3 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Peace: Part 4 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Long-suffering: Part 5 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Gentleness: Part 6 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness: Part 7 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Faith: Part 8 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Faith: Part 9 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Faith: Part 10 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Meekness: Part 11 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit is Temperance: Part 12 of 13
The Fruit of the Spirit in Review: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.