Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserved a Righteous Seed: Part 5 of 13

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Preview: This is the fifth part of a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 17:1-10.

Memory Verse: Genesis 17:11.

1. Compare God’s covenant with Abraham in the foregoing Scriptures with His promise to him in Genesis 12:1-3.
Note: After 25 years of wandering about this strange land, God is about to start fulfilling His promise to Abraham. Just as the Lord sealed His covenant to Noah with the sign of the rainbow, He now seals His covenant to Abraham with the token of circumcision.
2. How important was this token of circumcision? Genesis 17:12-14.
3. Is circumcision essential to our salvation today? What does circumcision refer to? Romans 2:28-29.
4. What did God add to His promise? Genesis 17:15-16, Genesis 17:19 & Genesis 17:21.
Note: For the first time in all of those years of promise, God tells Abraham that Sarai will be the mother of the promised son, the branch of righteousness, and her name will now be called Sarah.
5. How did Abraham react? Genesis 17:17-18 & Genesis 17:20.
6. How did Abraham prove his faith in God’s Word, even though it was impossible from a natural point of view? Genesis 17:23-27.
7. Discuss Sarah’s reaction to God’s message. Genesis 18:1-2 & Genesis 18:9-15.
Note: Can you relate to Sarah’s reaction? After all, more than thirteen years had passed since she had tried to help God fulfill His promise to Abraham. Until now, Sarah had no idea that she was part of the blessing. She was 89 years old. It was not humanly possible for her to bear a child. This should prove to us, as it did to them, that nothing is too hard for God.
8. Was Abraham a gracious host even before he knew that his visitors were God’s messengers? Genesis 18:3-8.
9. How did God make Abraham a partner in His plan to destroy evil? Genesis 18:16-22.
Note: For 25 long years God had been pruning and shaping this man’s life toward perfection. Now He knows that he is ready, willing, and divinely prepared to be the father of many nations. This righteous branch was firmly attached to the vine.
10. How did Abraham show compassion for lost souls? Genesis 18:23-33.
Note: Jesus later said that we must have compassion for sinners, even though they must be held accountable for their actions. Instead of hating them, let’s follow Abraham’s example of interceding for them.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Abiding in the Vine - God's Purpose for Man: Part 1 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - God's Plan for Righteous Fellowship: Part 2 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserved A Righteous Seed: Part 3 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserved A Righteous Seed: Part 4 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserved A Righteous Seed: Part 5 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - God Prunes the Branches: Part 6 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - The Supreme Test of Faith: Part 7 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - God Chooses A Righteous Seed: Part 8 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - Jacob the Righteous Branch: Part 9 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - The Blessing Continues Through Jacob's Sons: Part 10 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserves His People & Fulfills A Promise: Part 11 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - The Exodus Continues As Promised: Part 12 of 13
Abiding in the Vine- A Righteous Nation Is On the Way: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.