Armor of God - Truth: Part 2 of 13

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Preview: This is the second part of a thirteen-part lesson in the Armor of God series.

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:11-14.

Memory Verse: I Peter 1:13.

1. Do we find that it is the loins of our minds that must be girded (or bound) with truth in the foregoing Scripture Reading and Memory Verse?
Note: A girdle was made of leather or a long piece of sackcloth that could easily be wrapped tightly around the body. The long loose robes that were worn in Christ’s day were tucked into the girdle when men were prepared for work or battle. Paul was saying, “Tighten up our minds with truth.” Ephesians 6:14. No loose ends or scattered thoughts, no double mindedness so that we can fight a courageous fight of faith.
2. What is truth?
    A. The Laws of God: Psalm 119:151.
    B. Christ is truth: John 14:6.
    C. Gospel is truth: Galatians 2:4-5 & John 17:17.
    D. Holy Spirit is truth: I John 5:6.
Note: In John 18:38 Pilate asked Jesus “What is truth?” Many today are asking this same question and just as Pilate did in his day, they are also rejecting it.
3. What is the foundation for proclaiming the truth? I Timothy 3:14-15.
Note: Any church that compromises with the world, or does not teach and practice the whole truth with Holy boldness is not the Church of the Living God.
4. Is salvation possible apart from the whole truth? I Thessalonians 2:11-13 & James 1:17-18.
5. What is the only thing that will free us from the bondage of sin? John 8:31-32.
6. What are we commanded to share with our neighbor? Ephesians 4:25 & Colossians 3:8-10.
Note: Truth never changes. What was truth at Creation will still be truth in the Kingdom of God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Armor of God - Christian Warfare: Part 1 of 13
Armor of God – Truth: Part 2 of 13
Armor of God - Truth II: Part 3 of 13
Armor of God - Breastplate of Righteousness: Part 4 of 13
Armor of God - Breastplate of Righteousness II: Part 5 of 13
Armor of God - Preparation of Peace: Part 6 of 13
Armor of God - Preparation of Peace II: Part 7 of 13
Armor of God - Preparation of Peace III: Part 8 of 13
Armor of God - The Shield of Faith: Part 9 of 13
Armor of God - The Helmet of Salvation: Part 10 of 13
Armor of God - The Helmet of Salvation II: Part 11 of 13
Armor of God - The Sword of the Spirit: Part 12 of 13
Armor of God - Review: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.