Forgiveness II

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Preview: The role of forgiveness in our salvation.

Pre-reading: Matthew 5:1-48.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 18:21-35.

Memory Verse: Mark 11:26.

1. Can we receive God’s forgiveness if we are not willing to forgive according to the foregoing Scriptures?
2. Is it useless to pray for God’s forgiveness if we do not first forgive others their trespasses? Mark 11:25 & Matthew 6:12-15.
3. Can we expect God to protect us from our enemies if we are unwilling to forgive our brethren? Matthew 18:32-35.
4. Must forgiveness come from a heart filled with mercy and kindness? Colossians 3:12-13 & Romans 12:8.
Note: Many times one will say they will forgive but not forget. That attitude is not acceptable to God.
5. Does God store up our sins and continue to remember them after they are forgiven? Psalm 103:12-16 & Ezekiel 33:12-16.
6. What must we do when a fellow Christian falls into sin? Why? Galatians 6:1-3.
7. How does it affect our lives when we hold grudges? James 5:8-9 & Leviticus 19:18.
Note: We will reap just what we sow. If we carry grudges and refuse to forgive we will not be ready for God’s Kingdom when Christ returns for His people.
8. Why must we not only forgive but be willing to comfort those who have confessed and repented of their sin? II Corinthians 2:5-9.
Note: Evidently someone in the Church at Corinth had said or done something against Paul. He had already forgiven them. He was begging the Church to forgive, comfort, and encourage the offender to do better. We cannot encourage others until we deal with our own resentment (forgiveness).
9. Can Satan take advantage of us when we do not accept or extend forgiveness? II Corinthians 2:10-11.
10. Must we forgive our enemies even if they do not ask for forgiveness? Matthew 5:44-45 & Luke 6:27-33.
11. What must one do before he can receive forgiveness? James 5:16 & I John 1:9.
Note: Even though we have already forgiven the offender, he cannot believe or receive it until he confesses his transgression and asks to be forgiven. This is also true with us and God. Do not let a lack of forgiveness keep you out of the Kingdom.

Other Lessons* in this series:

Forgiveness II

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