New Year?

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Preview: The months and years that were used to reckon time have changed from Biblical times. Please refer to “The Jewish Calendar” for a visual reference guide to the Biblical months of the year.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:1-6.

Memory Verse: Esther 3:7.

1. What is the first month of the year called by the Lord? What was the last month called? Esther 3:7.
Note: Here we find that the first month is not called January as we have been taught to think it was. It was called by the Lord: Nisan. The last month is called Adar, and not December.
2. What other name did the first month have? Exodus 13:4.
3. In which month did the children of Israel come out of Egypt? Exodus 12:1-6.
Note: The children of Israel came out of Egypt in the first month of the year. Consult any standard Encyclopedia and you will find this to be true. And the first month was in the spring, and not in the middle of winter.
4. How is Jesus described? Hebrews 13:8.
5. How is the Lord described? Malachi 3:6.
Note: If the Lord does not change and Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, how can we say that January is the beginning of the year; the first month? Christ does not change, and it is He that made the statement that Nisan was the first month of the year.
6. Where did January originate?
Answer: January- the first month of the year was among the Romans, held sacred to Janus from whom it derived its name, and was added to the calendar along with February by Numa. It was not until the 18th century that January was universally adopted by the European nations as the first month of the year. Chambers Encyclopedia, Volume IV, page 678, Published 1888.
7. Are we to believe God or man? Romans 3:4.
8. Shall the unbelief of some make the truth of no effect? What does this mean to you? Romans 3:3-4.
9. What happened when this world was born? Job 38:7.
10. Who made all things? John 1:1-3.
11. On what day did He finish creation? Genesis 1:31 & Genesis 2:1-3.
Note: Jesus finished His creation in the spring, and not in the middle of the winter, also He ended His work on the 6th day and not the first.
12. Will Christ uproot every plant that is false when He comes? What does this represent? Matthew 15:13.
Note: January as the first month of the year will be uprooted when Jesus comes, as neither He, nor the Father planted it.
13. What are our choices for whom to serve? What was Joshua's choice? Joshua 24:15.