Is Speaking in Tongues the Evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Part 1 of 2

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Preview: Biblical facts about speaking in tongues. Part one of a two-part lesson. 

Scripture Reading: Joel 2:23-32. 

Memory Verse: Joel 2:28. 

1. What was Jesus’ parting address to His disciples prior to His ascension? Luke 24:49. 
2. With what were the disciples to be baptized? Acts 1:5. 
3. What was the object of the Holy Spirit baptism? Acts 1:8. 
4. What precedes the Holy Spirit baptism? Acts 2:37-38. 
5. Did the disciples follow His instructions after they were directed to an appointed place? What eventually happened? Acts 2:1-4. 
Note: The disciples were entirely under the sacred influence of the Holy Spirit. To be filled with anything is a phrase denoting that all the faculties are pervaded by it, engaged in it, or under its influence. 
6. What languages were spoken by them? Were these known or unknown? Acts 2:7-11. 
Note: The tongues were the languages they were to speak while spreading the Word of God. 
7. What did the Lord do when Moses gathered the seventy elders of Israel to stand with him before the Tabernacle? Numbers 11:16-17. 
8. What special gift of the Spirit was made known after the Lord came in a cloud, and did they speak in tongues as evidence of being filled? Numbers 11:25. 
9. What did Eldad and Medad do after they were filled with the Holy Spirit? Did they speak in tongues? Numbers 11:26. 
10. Did some of the people misunderstand this strange movement? How did Moses show his displeasure with Joshua? Numbers 11:27-29. 
11. What special gift of the Spirit did the Apostle Paul recommend to the Church for edification and why? I Corinthians 14:3-5. 
12. When Mary saluted (greeted) Elizabeth what happened? Luke 1:39-41. 
13. Did she speak out in an unknown tongue, or in her own language? Luke 1:42-43. 
Note: The Holy Spirit enters hearts that are prepared for His coming and fills them with power and light. Elizabeth’s heart was made ready for the reception of the Holy Spirit. All who receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit will find it easy to speak for God in such a way that everyone will understand what is spoken. The Spirit, like the wind, is invisible and powerful. When the children of God are truly purified and illuminated by the Spirit, their tongues are loosened, and they begin to speak for God in a language that can be understood. 
14. What language did Jesus speak when He was dying on the cross? Matthew 27:46. 

Note: In Nazareth, Jesus spoke Aramaic's Galilean dialect. Jesus's last words on the cross were in Aramaic: “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani” – “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus read Hebrew from the Bible at the synagogue in Luke 4:16. He chatted, too, with a Syrophoenician woman, who would have spoken Phoenician. – Quote from The Oldie Newsletter.
15. Will the followers of Jesus be known by their fruits or by speaking in tongues? Matthew 7:19-21. 

To Be Continued… 

Other Lessons* in this series: 

Is Speaking in Tongues the Evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Part 1 of 2 
Is Speaking in Tongues the Evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Part 2 of 2 

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.