The Coming World Empire

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Preview: The events leading to Judgment Day have been foretold throughout Bible history. Through these prophetic stories we are able to know what to look for and what to expect.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 72:1-20.

Memory Verse: Daniel 2:34.

1. In what way does God reveal Himself to men at times? Job 33:14-16.
2. What statement did Nebuchadnezzar make to the wise men that he assembled? Daniel 2:3.
3. What was the wise men’s answer to the king after he threatened them with death if they did not make known the dream and the interpretation? Daniel 2:10-11.
4. Who offered his service to the king after the wise men failed to make known the dream and its interpretation? Daniel 2:16.
5. How was the dream and its interpretation revealed after Daniel and his companions sought the Lord in prayer? Daniel 2:18-22.
6. What did Daniel say concerning the wise men when he was brought before the king? Daniel 2:27.
7. What did Daniel say the king saw in his dream? Daniel 2:28-31.
8. Of what were the different parts of the image composed? Daniel 2:32-33.
9. By what was the image broken and what became of the various parts? Daniel 2:34-35.
Note: The Stone that smote the image (earthly governments) ground it to powder and the wind (Battle of Armageddon) carried it away. Let us notice that the Stone did not go back to Heaven from whence It came, but It stayed and filled the whole earth. This will be the coming world empire when Christ shall take over all the kingdoms of this world under Heaven, and it shall last for a thousand years. Christ shall sit upon the throne of His Father David, and men shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord.
10. How did Isaiah describe the beauty and splendor of Babylon? Isaiah 13:19.
11. What did Nebuchadnezzar do to show the strength and durability of his kingdom? Daniel 3:1.
12. Did the kingdom continue to stand as Nebuchadnezzar designed? Daniel 5:25-31.
Note: The great city of Babylon was the capital of an ancient kingdom founded by the first descendants of Noah soon after the flood. It was a very great city with high walls, and the entrances were one hundred gates of solid brass. They believed that the city was unconquerable, but according to the sure Word of prophecy, it was defeated by an inferior kingdom. A pile of brick that once formed a part of the city of Babylon is stored in the British Museum in London today. All the past glory of that city is now buried in the rubbish heap of history.