The Fall of Modern Babylon

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Preview: A lesson on the condition of the world just prior to the second coming of the Lord.

Scripture Reading: Revelation 18:1-8.

Memory Verse: Revelation 18:15.

1. What final reward did John hear against modern Babylon? Revelation 18:6-8.
2. What reason is assigned for the fall of Babylon? Revelation 14:8 (last part).
3. What other name is given to modern Babylon? Revelation 17:18.
4. How is she further described? Revelation 17:4-5.
5. Of what is she guilty? Revelation 17:6.
Note: A woman in symbolic language is a Church. It may be a corrupt, or an incorrupt one. A woman is the bride of Jesus Christ which signifies a pure Church.
6. Is the woman the Church; the wife of Christ? Revelation 19:7-8.
7. Will there be a marriage supper when Christ comes? Revelation 19:9.
8. Who came to instruct John on the Isle of Patmos? Revelation 1:1, Revelation 1:9 & Revelation 18:1.
Note: Babylon indicates confusion, division. A house divided cannot stand.
9. Why did modern Babylon fall? Revelation 18:2.
10. How did the doctrines of modern Babylon affect the kings and merchants of the earth? Revelation 18:3.
Note: The fall of modern Babylon came because she became the habitation of devils and a cage of every unclean and hateful person. The kings and merchants had drunk of the wine of her fornication.
11. What was the final warning to God’s people? Revelation 18:4.
12. How high had her sins reached? Revelation 18:5-6.
Note: Ancient Babylon fell because she refused to keep the Commandments of God.
13. Why did Christ say men would reject the Commandments of God? Mark 7:7-9.
14. What relationship does the modern church sustain to other apostate churches? Revelation 17:5.
15. How complete will the fall of modern Babylon be? Revelation 18:21-24.
16. What song of triumph follows the overthrow of Babylon? Revelation 15:2-3.