Finding God

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Preview: Acknowledging our sins and coming to God is necessary for our salvation. 

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 1:16-20. 

Memory Verse: Isaiah 55:7. 

1. What did the prodigal son do when he found himself in the depths of despair? Luke 15:17. 
2. In whom did he find fault when he came to himself? Luke 15:18. 
3. What did he think of himself when he saw his condition? Luke 15:19. 
Note: The prodigal son left home with an unthankful, selfish, and self-centered attitude. All of these ungodly characteristics lost their grip on his life when he: (1) took an inventory of what he had done, (2) realized and admitted that he had traveled the wrong road, (3) turned around and went back to his father with a humble plea for mercy. Sinners who want to get out of sin must take the same steps he took to get out of the hog pen. 
4. What is promised to those who confess and forsake their sins? Proverbs 28:13. 
5. What happened when David acknowledged his sins? Psalm 32:5. 
6. What must we do to be cleansed of unrighteousness? I John 1:9. 
7. What was Peter’s advice to those who wanted to be saved? Acts 2:37-38. 
Note: The blood of Jesus Christ was spilled to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, but we have to repent and be converted (confess and forsake sin) before the transaction can be completed. 
8. Who, if anyone, is excluded from God’s command to repent? Acts 17:30. 
9. What happens to our sins when we meet God’s requirements? Acts 3:19. 
10. Why does God rebuke, chasten, and ask us to repent? Revelation 3:19-21.