Letters of Instruction to the Church: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: This is the second part of a two-part lesson on a minister’s responsibility to keep the Church on track. 

Scripture Reading: I Timothy 4:1-11. 

Memory Verse: I Timothy 4:6. 

1. Will some members receive the doctrine of devils in the last days? I Timothy 4:1. 
2. Did Jesus warn against false teachers? Whom would they deceive? Matthew 24:24. 
3. Did Jesus say many would come in His name and deceive many? Matthew 24:5. 
4. Who has the power to blind the minds of us from the Gospel of Christ? II Corinthians 4:4-5. 
5. When should we follow the evangelist and pastor? I Corinthians 11:1. 
6. When a member has any complaint against the pastor and leaders of the Church, should he tell it to the world first? Matthew 18:15. 
Note: Some say they believe the Bible, and they want nothing but the Bible, but when the Bible test comes, they are unwilling to receive it. 
7. How should you treat an elder, pastor, or an evangelist? I Timothy 5:1. 
8. Should we rebuke a sinner, or agree with him? Luke 17:3-4. 
9. Where did Paul have prayer on the Sabbath? With whom? Acts 16:13. 
10. Was Jesus confused as to which Church was right? John 10:1. 
11. What will the good shepherd do for the sheep? John 10:11. 
12. What will the hireling do? John 10:12-13. 
13. How much power has Jesus given to the Church? Matthew 16:19. 
14. What power do the saints of God have in Heaven and earth? Matthew 18:18-20. 
15. Is God a jealous God? Exodus 20:5. 
16. For what purpose was Christ manifested? I John 3:8. 
17. To whom should the minister give the most attention? Matthew 18:12. 
18. Will they hear Christ if they will not hear the ministers of God? Luke 10:16. 
19. Will those that are of God become offended at His Word? John 8:46-47. 
20. What will offend those that love the Ten Commandments? Psalm 119:165. 
Note: It is sad to say, but true indeed, that a compromising spirit has crept into the Churches. They all want to be bosses and obey nobody. God’s children love to be obedient, and honor their elders, and entreat them as a father. Which class are you in: compromising or Christian? We are all bought with the blood of Christ, and we are not our own. We cannot do as we please. That is the Bible standard. Judas did not respect Christ, neither did he entreat him as a father; but secretly sold Him for 30 pieces of silver. Why didn’t he go to Christ and talk matters over before he went to the enemy? Stand by the truth, do not allow the enemy to confuse you with all winds of doctrine. 

Other Lessons* in this series: 

Letters of Instruction to the Church: Part 1 of 2 
Letters of Instruction to the Church: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.