The Minor Prophet, Joel

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Preview: We continue our study of the minor prophets by diving into the powerful prophecy of Joel. Joel's words resonate with relevance as they address themes of repentance, restoration, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This prophecy holds significance not only in the context of its historical audience but also as a timeless message with implications for our lives today.


Scripture Reading: Joel 2:28-32.


Memory Verse: Acts 2:17. 


1. What was the devastation described by Joel, and how does it symbolize the consequences of spiritual apathy? Joel 1:4-7.

2. In response to the calamity, what does Joel instruct the people to do, and why is this a call to repentance? Joel 1:14.

3. How does Joel articulate the nature of true repentance, and what promises does God make in response? Joel 2:12-14.

4. After the people repent, how does God respond, and what blessings does He promise? Joel 2:23.

Note: Joel begins by portraying the physical devastation as a consequence of spiritual negligence, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the physical and spiritual realms. The theme of repentance and God's response is central to Joel's message, highlighting the restoration that follows genuine repentance.

5. What is the significance of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as described by Joel, and how does it manifest among different groups? Joel 2:28-30.

6. How does Peter reference Joel's prophecy in his sermon on the day of Pentecost, and what does this indicate about the fulfillment of Joel's words? Acts 2:16-18.

Note: Peter connects the events of Pentecost with Joel's prophecy, emphasizing the ongoing relevance of Joel's message in the New Testament era.

7. What are the celestial signs mentioned by Joel, and how are they symbolic of God's judgment and the coming day of the LORD? Joel 2:30-31.

8. How does Jesus refer to celestial signs in Matthew, and what parallels can be drawn with Joel's prophecy? Matthew 24:29.

Note: Both Joel and Jesus use celestial signs to signify significant events, highlighting the continuity of God's plan across the Old and New Testaments.

9. According to Joel, what is the key to deliverance on the day of the LORD, and how does this emphasize the importance of calling upon the name of the LORD? Joel 2:32.

10. How does Paul reference Joel's message in Romans, and what does this teach us about the universality of salvation through faith? Romans 10:13.

Note: Joel's prophecy underscores the inclusivity of God's salvation, a message echoed by Paul.

11. How does Joel describe God's response to His people after their repentance, and what assurance does this provide? Joel 2:25.

12. How is the remnant described by Joel, and what does this signify about the nature of those who will be saved? Joel 2:32.


Conclusion: In today's lesson, we have explored Joel's prophecy, uncovering its themes of repentance, restoration, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Joel's words extend beyond his historical context, resonating with the New Testament and our lives today. The call to repentance, the promise of God's Spirit, and the assurance of deliverance through calling on the name of the LORD remain timeless truths. As we reflect on Joel's message, we should be inspired to seek genuine repentance, eagerly anticipate the work of the Holy Spirit, and place our trust in the deliverance through Jesus Christ. Joel's prophecy is a beacon guiding us toward a renewed relationship with God, grounded in faith, humility, and the hope of His ultimate redemption.