Duties While Awaiting God's Appearance

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Preview: God’s expectations of us as we await the final Judgment Day.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:31-46.

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 4:2.

1. What saying of Jesus is appropriate for us? Luke 2:49.
2. What is required of true stewardship? I Corinthians 4:2.
3. To what is a faithful steward compared? Proverbs 25:13.
4. What was Jesus’ mission at His first advent? I Timothy 1:15.
5. What are we to others when we show forth the long-suffering of Christ? I Timothy 1:16.
Note: The life of Jesus is our pattern. He lived a most devoted, unselfish life, giving His all to save those lost in sin. How beautiful such a life shines forth in the thoughts and ideals of men and women, but how powerless they are of themselves to carry it out and to follow His steps.
6. What will shine if we are faithful, and for what purpose? II Corinthians 4:6.
7. Is the excellency of the power in us or in God? II Corinthians 4:7.
8. What does the Lord say about the support of the ministry? I Corinthians 9:7 & II Corinthians 9:7-10.
Note: The support of the ministers in this Gospel age is as it was in the days of sacrifices. It was the tithe then; therefore, it is even so now. The transaction of Calvary increased the scope of the Gospel, as Jesus died for all nations. The message then must go to all the world. Its scope was enlarged and consequently the need of the tithing system became greater.
9. What is the reward of those who sow sparingly? II Corinthians 9:6.
10. Does the Lord love a cheerful giver in His service? II Corinthians 9:7.
11. How does the Lord test the faithfulness of His people? Luke 16:10-11.
12. May we expect to inherit the true riches which are eternal if we are not faithful in the tithe which belongs to the Lord? Luke 16:12.
13. Is it possible to serve two masters? Luke 16:13.