The Two Kingdoms

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Preview: The difference between literal and Spiritual Kingdoms is revealed.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 13:14-18.

Memory Verse: Galatians 3:29.

1. What is the last message to the world? Matthew 24:13-14.
Note: If there is more than one Kingdom spoken of in the Bible, it is well for us to study this question thoroughly that we may not become confused. There is a literal and a Spiritual Kingdom. This we will see plainly.
2. Where does Jesus say the kingdom resides? John 18:36.
Note: This should settle the matter at once. If this world is a kingdom, it must be a literal kingdom as this world is not a Spiritual Kingdom.
3. What was Daniel's understanding of how Jesus would set up his kingdom in the days of the earthly kings? Daniel 2:44-45.  
4. When will the kingdom of this world become the Kingdom of our Lord? Revelation 11:15.
5. Will the Kingdom of God be set up under the heavens, or in Heaven? Daniel 7:27.
6. How did Jesus respond when he perceived men were planning to force him to become king? John 6:15. 
7. Will Jesus partake of the bread and wine anew in the Father’s Kingdom? Matthew 26:29.
Note: This is the literal Kingdom, the home of the saints that our Lord referred to.
8. Upon whose throne will Jesus sit in his Kingdom? Luke 1:32-33.  
9. To whom will the Kingdom come? Micah 4:7-8.
10. Would Paul look for a city to come? Hebrews 13:14.
11. Who is the maker of this city, this Kingdom to come? Hebrews 11:10.
12. What did John the Divine see coming down from Heaven? Revelation 21:2-3. 
13. When will God’s will be done in earth as it is in Heaven? Matthew 6:10.
Note: This is the Kingdom to be preached, and we look forward to, that Jesus has gone to prepare for us. This is the Kingdom and the promise to Abraham. If we are the children of God, we will inherit the promises made to Abraham.
14. What type of kingdom did Jesus speak of? Luke 17:21.
15. Did John the Baptist preach of a Spiritual Kingdom at hand? Matthew 3:1-3.
16. What blessings will we receive if we seek the Kingdom first? Matthew 6:33.
17. Did Jesus preach of a Spiritual Kingdom? Matthew 9:35.
Note: Let us not confuse the two kingdoms. The power of God is a Kingdom that will rule the individual if it is permitted to enter in. Only those who have been born again can enjoy this wonderful power within, if their nature is changed.
18. What change will take place when a Spiritual Kingdom enters into the heart of men? Ezekiel 36:26-27.
Note: We should all understand and claim both the Spiritual and literal kingdoms and proclaim to the world the Kingdom to come; that Jesus will set it up in the day of these kings. When the seventh angel sounds, the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our Lord.