Letters of Instruction to the Church: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: End time prophecy is explored in this lesson in order for us to recognize when the time of the end draws near. 

Scripture Reading: Revelation 13:1-18. 

Memory Verse: Revelation 13:13. 

1. What did John see coming up out of the earth? Revelation 13:11. 
Note: The two-horned beast is not a lamb. His two horns were like a lamb; he spoke like a dragon. A lamb cannot speak; therefore, this is a symbol of a man. 
2. What power did this two-horned beast exercise, and in the interest of whom? Revelation 13:12. 
Note: The beast in question is to work in the interest of the wounded beast that was healed. He will control religious and civil affairs. 
3. How did this two-horned beast gain the confidence of men upon the earth? Revelation 13:13. 
4. What means of worship will the two-horned beast enforce upon the nations? Revelation 13:14-15. 
Note: Note carefully that the two-horned beast is going to establish the old image worship, and those that refuse to bow down to the image shall be killed. Surely this is the work of the dictator which we will have in the last days. 
5. Did Paul understand that some men would be visibly seen, claiming to be God on earth, and demanding men everywhere to worship according to his dictates? II Thessalonians 2:3-5. 
Note: The two-horned beast symbolizes a government which is Protestant in religion, or which at least is a non-Catholic power. It finally will force men everywhere to recognize the old pagan worship as Belshazzar tried to force the three Hebrews. Thus, it will be repeated in the last days to the dictator; it will be backed up by a Federation of Churches. 
6. How did the dictator affect the poor and the rich? Revelation 13:16. 
7. How did this beastly power affect commercialism? Revelation 13:17. 
8. Was this a real four-footed beast, or is it a man symbolized by a beast? Revelation 13:18 (first part).
9. What is the number or the name of this beast? Revelation 13:18 (last part). 
Note: The number of the beast should be given by the teacher, with the use of Roman numerals. Let us not forget that this dictator will organize the trinity. First: Number of the beast. Second: Mark of the beast. Thirdly: Name of the beast. Remember it is a man. 

10. Could Paul see the mystery of the work of this dictator? II Thessalonians 2:4-10. 
Note: If Paul could see this mystery of this dictator in his day, why can’t we see him today? The world is getting ready to receive the dictator. The two-horned buffalo is an emblem of the United States, and a country without crowns. It is very reasonable to expect that the United States will become the most severe religious persecutors of all nations. It is known to be Protestant but yielding fast to Catholicism.

To Be Continued...

Other lessons* in this series:

Letters of Instruction to the Church: Part 1 of 2

Letters of Instruction to the Church: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not be in the same category.