Christ and the Sabbath

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Preview: Christ observed and honored the Sabbath throughout His life and was a living example to all who follow Him. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 12:1-13. 

Memory Verse: Luke 4:31. 

1. Of what did Christ say the Son of man is Lord? Matthew 12:8. 
2. Who made the Sabbath? John 1:3.
3. What did Christ keep while on Earth? Luke 4:16. 
4. How was He watched and spied upon by the scribes and Pharisees even though He was Lord, Maker, and Observer of the Sabbath? Luke 6:7. 
5. With what question did Christ meet their false ideas and reasoning regarding Sabbath keeping? Luke 6:9. 
6. How did they manifest their displeasure at His healing the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath? Luke 6:11. 
Note: They were angry, because by the miracle performed Christ had given evidence that He was from God. They could not undo the miracle that was direct from God. Their only chance was for them to accuse Jesus of breaking the Sabbath Day by healing the sick on that day. 
7. What did the Jews do when Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath Day and told him to take up his bed and walk? John 5:16. 
8. How did Jesus answer them? John 5:17. 
9. What effect did this answer have upon the Jews? John 5:18. 
10. What accusation did the Pharisees make to Christ against the disciples who plucked a few ears of corn on the Sabbath Day to satisfy hunger? Mark 2:24. 
11. What was Christ’s reply? Mark 2:25-27. 
Note: The disciples did not pluck the ears of corn for the storehouse or the market, but to satisfy their hunger. It was a matter of criticism offered on the part of the Pharisees. They attempted to make Jesus a thief, liar, and a murderer- everything but a Savior. 
12. What did the ruler of a certain synagogue say when Christ healed a woman of an infirmity on the Sabbath? Luke 13:14. 
13. How did Christ answer him? Luke 13:15-16. 
14. What effect did Christ’s answer have upon the people? Luke 13:17. 
15. Where do men today receive their information concerning Christ’s breaking the seventh day? John 9:16. 
16. Whose pleasure are we to find on the Sabbath Day? Isaiah 58:13. 
17. What is our reward if we keep the Sabbath? Isaiah 58:14. 
18. Why is the Lord not pleased with us if we buy or sell on the Sabbath Day? Nehemiah 13:15-21.