Divine Healing: Part 2 of 3

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Preview: This is part two of a three-part lesson of the same name. For additional information on this subject please refer to the article “Divine Healing: Is it For Today?” in our articles section. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 15:21-39. 

Memory Verse: Jeremiah 17:14. 

1. What are we especially to remember? Psalm 103:2-3. 
Note: If the Lord heals all our diseases, will there be anything left for doctors to heal? Let us remember that divine healing is for those that believe; for the children of God. 
2. What is God's will for His children? III John 1:2. 
3. Where will the diseases be placed when God removes them from His children? Deuteronomy 7:15. 
4. Did God’s people seek and call for doctors in Bible times, and for what purpose? Genesis 50:2. 
Note: Christ never recommended medical aid and operations to be performed if they were of God. Christ would surely have made some mention of it in His ministry work. 
5. Will the prayer of those who trust both the doctors and the Lord avail anything? Why or why not? James 1:6-8. 
6. What Master dwells within our fleshly body if we are truly converted? Galatians 2:20. 
Note: If we have Christ and the Spirit in us, and we are suffering and in pain, sickness, and trouble does it not seem possible that Christ and His Spirit will be affected? 
7. What hospital and medical institutions should the children of God seek for their healing? What does the Lord call the ointment and medicine His children should use? James 5:14. 
8. Who is the real healer, the minister or the Lord? James 5:15. 
9. What other method does the Lord apply to His sick children? Psalm 107:20. 
10. Do we find men in the days of Christ satisfied with the Word of God for their sickness? Explain. Matthew 8:8. 
Note: This man knew there was power in the Word of God. He knew that when the Word was spoken his servant would be healed. Today, men are not satisfied unless they have medicines or operations. It is because they do not know the power in the Word of God. 
11. Who did Paul say they would have a form of religion denying the power of God? II Timothy 3:5. 
12. When will characters of that kind come to the knowledge of the truth? II Timothy 3:7. 
13. Who has the power of sickness and death? Hebrews 2:14. 
14. When will the enemy of death be silenced and destroyed? I Corinthians 15:24-26. 
15. How did Christ refer to the Devil and to Himself? John 10:10. 
Note: The Devil is the chief controller of death and sickness. He has nothing good to offer us, but Christ came to give us life more abundantly. If we seek surgical and medical aid, we have either forgotten His benefits, or we may have never learned of His benefits. God loves His beloved, and He wants us to seek Him first. He showed His love for the sick here on earth, and they loved Him because He healed their sick bodies. We must give everybody the choice, and that choice comes every day. 
16. What does the Lord say of ministers that do not help and heal the sick? Ezekiel 34:2-4, Ezekiel 34:9.
17. How did the Lord charge the priests? Ezekiel 34:7-10. 

To Be Continued… 

Other Lessons* in this series: 

Divine Healing: Part 1 of 3 
Divine Healing: Part 2 of 3 
Divine Healing: Part 3 of 3 

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.