Christian Service

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Preview: Our duty to the Lord is made plain throughout the Bible. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:31-46. 

Memory Verse: Matthew 25:28. 

1. According to the foregoing Scriptures, can we be a true servant of God and not minister to the needs of others? 
2. Can God’s stewards be neglectful and still please Him? Discuss. I Corinthians 4:1-2. 
3. What should be our prime objective in life? Luke 2:49. 
4. To what is faithfulness compared? Proverbs 25:13. 
5. For what reason did Jesus come into the world? I Timothy 1:15. 
6. Why should Jesus be shown through our lives? I Timothy 1:16 & II Corinthians 4:1-7. 
7. If we are true and faithful what will shine forth in us? II Corinthians 4:6. 
8. Is the excellency of the power in us or in God? II Corinthians 4:7. 
Note: If we are a true servant of God, others will see Christ in us. Jesus said, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.” (Matthew 5:14.) But we must always remember that the excellency of the power is not us, but Christ in us. He is the light. 
9. What example of Christian service did Christ set for us? Luke 2:49 & Luke 2:52. 
Note: Christian soldiers must also forsake worldliness and be about the Father’s business. 
10. What is the a method for the support of the ministers who carry the Gospel? I Corinthians 9:7, I Corinthians 9:13-14 & II Corinthians 9:7. 
11. How should we sow for the Lord? II Corinthians 9:6-7. 
12. Why is it impossible to serve two masters? Luke 16:13 & II Timothy 2:3-4. 
Note: It is high time men should learn that it is impossible to follow the world and be a servant of God. You have no light for the world when you agree with them and follow their ways. When we try to keep one foot in the world and one in Christian services we become like salt that has lost its saltiness. We may even be walking in darkness and not know it. We must forsake worldliness and be about our Father’s business. 
13. What kind of an example are we to be to others? I Timothy 4:12-16. 
14. Why should Christians be careful what they say? James 1:26. 
15. What are the demands of pure religion on how we appear to the world? James 1:27. 
16. In what way only can we truly serve God? Galatians 5:13-16 & Romans 13:8-10. 
Note: It is impossible to be a faithful servant of God until we can love not only those who are near and dear to us, but we must love the unlovable as well. We have a burden for their soul’s salvation! 
17. Discuss the difference in the true service and the form of religion as presented in Isaiah 58:1-14. 
Note: Regardless of how much we profess our faith and devotion, unless our actions show genuine love and service to the poor and needy, we are not true servants of God. True love does not keep a record of its good deeds. It does what is needful, expecting nothing in return. God Himself will reward His servants in due season. Read II Timothy 4:6-8.