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Preview: We all have something to give. God has given us a duty to share His Word. 

Scripture Reading: John 3:10-21. 

Memory Verse: Luke 6:38. 

1. What example did God give to the world? John 3:16-17. 
Note: God gave His only Son so that we might have eternal life. There is no greater love, than that a man lay down his life for his friend. 
2. What was Abraham asked to do to test his faith? Hebrews 11:17. 
3. How were we redeemed from our sins? Galatians 1:4. 
Note: Jesus gave himself for our sins. The Father and Son were in perfect harmony. They both gave a most precious thing for the human family. The Father gave His Son, and the Son gave His life. 
4. What does Christ expect of us after He gave this gift? Titus 2:14. 
5. Why did Christ become poor, having many riches? II Corinthians 8:9. 
Note: All who accept the Gospel and the plan of salvation take upon themselves the obligation to pass its blessings on to others. In this way the work of salvation is extended to others. Every one that is saved from sin, God expects to join in the same work. 
6. What was Abraham to do after he received his blessing? Genesis 12:1-4.  
7. What did Christ demand of His disciples when He sent them out? Matthew 10:8. 
8. Why does Christ give us comfort in our affliction? II Corinthians 1:3-5. 
Note: The good things of God that we receive are not to be kept to ourselves but distributed to others: the soul is lost that is saved alone and does not minister to others. 
9. What did Jesus say about giving? Acts 20:35. 
10. Why was Christ anointed by the Holy Ghost?  For whose sake? Isaiah 61:1 & Luke 4:18.  
Note: The Holy Spirit is given to lead and to fit God’s people for service. 
11. What did Jesus do after being anointed? Acts 10:38.
12. What are we expected to do from Jesus's example? John 13:15.