Integrity and Honesty

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Preview: How integrity and honesty shape a Christian life.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 1:1-6.

Memory Verse: Psalm 4:5.

1. Can we see from the foregoing Scripture Reading and Memory Verse how honesty and integrity are attained?
Note: To have integrity and honesty means to be upright, sound, pure, faithful, loyal, moral, virtuous, and trustworthy. This leaves no room for sin.
2. What were Peter’s instructions to the Church? I Peter 2:11-21.
3. What is the reward for obedience? I Peter 3:11-17.
4. Did Isaiah confirm this? Isaiah 33:15-16.
Note: A spirit of honesty and integrity comes only from God. It is not in the natural man to suffer justly, much less unjust persecutions, with joy. Integrity makes us willing to be obedient to authority. It sets a godly example in all circumstances. Integrity and honesty is Christ in us.
5. How did God describe the integrity of Job? Job 2:1-3.
6. How did Job describe his own integrity? Job 31:1-6.
7. How did he respond to the bad advice of his wife? Job 2:4-10.
Note: Job’s wife looked at the bad circumstances and forgot the promises of God. This is what often discourages and prevents Christians from remaining faithful to God. Let us remember to respond to trouble with joy in the Lord.
8. What was Paul’s formula for integrity in the Church? Hebrews 13:1-7 & Hebrews 13:16-17.
9. How important is stability in our faith? Hebrews 13:9 & Hebrews 13:12-15.
10. What will result from this type of example? I Timothy 2:1-4 & I Timothy 2:8.
Note: Supplication means to beg, plead, and request; pray with sincerity for others as well as ourselves. We must always remember to praise and thank God for what He has already done.