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Preview: Our faith is given to us to enable us to overcome all of the temptations that are thrown in our path to keep us from the Lord.

Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:5-13.

Memory Verse: Revelation 2:11.

1. What overcomes the world? I John 5:4 (first part).
2. In whose victory may the Christian ever rejoice and take courage? John 16:33.
3. Who is it that overcomes? I John 5:5.
4. Through what is the victory gained? I John 5:4 (last part).
5. Through whom do we obtain the victory? I Corinthians 15:57.
6. How did Christ overcome when tempted? Matthew 4:1-11.
7. How do the Scriptures say the saints overcame the enemy? Revelation 12:11.
8. With what does the Apostle Paul tell us to overcome evil? Romans 12:21.
9. Why was Jacob’s name changed to Israel? Genesis 32:28.
10. Of what will one eat that overcomes? Revelation 2:7.
11. What will those that overcome avoid? Revelation 2:11.
12. To whom will the Lord give power over the nations? Revelation 2:26.
13. What will be the garments of those that overcome? Revelation 3:5.
14. What great honor will the Lord bestow on those that overcome? Revelation 3:12 (first part).
15. Where will those that overcome sit? Revelation 3:21.
16. What will those who overcome inherit? Revelation 21:7.