Trials and Temptations

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Preview: It is a great honor to overcome our trials and temptations. God has said that all believers must be tried, and He rewards those that overcome. Only our faith in His promises and our focus on achieving God’s will can help us to be a strong example of the power of God in our lives.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:1-13.

Memory Verse: Psalm 119:165.

1. Why does God willingly afflict the children of men? Discuss. Lamentations 3:31-33.
2. What did Peter say concerning the trials through which every believer must pass? I Peter 4:12-13.
3. How important is the trial of our faith? I Peter 1:7.
4. Why does tribulation help us become better Christians? Romans 5:3-5.
5. Who will suffer persecution? II Timothy 3:12.
6. What happened to David when he gave in to his temptations? II Samuel 11:1-27. Discuss.
7. What did Christ say when Satan tempted Him? Matthew 4:2-11.
8. What promise is made to those who endure the trials and temptations of this life? James 1:12.
9. Why should we be careful how we choose our friends? Proverbs 4:14-15.
10. What promise is given to us if we pass through our trials and temptations? Isaiah 33:15-16.