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Preview: Temperance is a characteristic of great importance to the Christian. It is a distinctive mark that sets one apart from the world. One claiming Christianity without temperance belies their profession. The temperate person confesses by their life that this world is not their home, because they accept the fact that they are sojourners.

Scripture Reading: James 4:1-10.

Memory Verse: Exodus 20:17.

1. What is required to be a winner? I Corinthians 9:25.
Note: Webster defines temperance as: 1) Moderation in action, thought, or feeling, restraint. 2) Habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions.
2. Should our restraint be plainly seen? Philippians 4:5.
Note: When we think of intemperance we usually think of an alcoholic, but it covers much more than that. To go to the extreme in anything whether actions, thought, or feelings is intemperance.
3. What do some people think is gain? I Timothy 6:5.
4. What is true gain? I Timothy 6:6.
5. With what should we be content? Why? I Timothy 6:7-8.
6. What happens to those who seek riches? I Timothy 6:9.
7. What does the love of money do? I Timothy 6:10.
8. What should godly people do? I Timothy 6:11-12.
9. If one is rich what should they do? I Timothy 6:17-19.
10. What warning did Jesus give concerning covetousness? Luke 12:15.
Note: The definition of the word covetous is: Marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions. Covetousness is the opposite of temperance. When one is covetous they are always intemperate, although one may be intemperate without being covetous.
11. What was Paul’s line of reasoning to Felix? Acts 24:24-25.
12. Is temperance one of the fruits of the spirit? Galatians 5:22-23.