Reverence for the House of God

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Preview: A lesson on proper respect for the house of God.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 96:1-13.

Memory Verse: I Timothy 3:15.

1. How sacred is anything that is dedicated to God according to the foregoing Scripture Reading and Memory Verse?
2. Why did God instruct His people to build a sanctuary? Exodus 25:8, Exodus 25:22.
3. How did He tell them to regard this dwelling place of God? Leviticus 19:30.
4. What does the Lord say of things dedicated to His service? Leviticus 27:28-29.
Note: Any person, place, or thing that has been dedicated to God or anything that God has required, such as tithes, becomes Holy. It belongs to God. It is a dangerous thing when we show disrespect for God’s property.
5. Why did God tell Moses to take off his shoes at the burning bush? Exodus 3:4-6.
6. What did Joshua remove in the presence of the Lord? Joshua 5:13-15.
Note: The presence of God made the place Holy. Wherever God meets with His people, the place is Holy. Therefore, we are to respect His house and make others do so.
7. What occurred when the tabernacle was reared anciently? Exodus 40:33-38.
8. Why should all show respect for the House of Worship? Habakkuk 2:20.
9. How did Christ manifest His regard for God’s House? Mark 11:15-17.
Note: It is essential that we show and teach our children to honor and respect the House of God, just as it was for Israel to do so. It is sometimes necessary to be reminded that God’s sanctuary is a Holy place.
10. What punishment did God bring upon Nadab and A-bi-hu for offering strange or common fire in the tabernacle service? Leviticus 10:1-2.
11. How are we to serve God? Hebrews 12:28-29.
12. With what spirit should we show reverence for God and His House? Psalm 5:7.
13. What instructions has Solomon given in regard to our conduct in the House of God? Ecclesiastes 5:1-2.
14. What do we become when we are an anointed member of God’s Church? I Corinthians 3:16-17, I Corinthians 6:19-20.
Note: Since the people of God are the Temple of God, they must also be Holy. They must be regarded with respect as belonging to God. They themselves must always remember that they now belong to God and not themselves. They have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
15. For how many did God design that His house should be a House of Prayer? Isaiah 56:6-7.
16. Who is present in all assemblies that meet in the name of Christ? Matthew 18:20.
Note: We should never come into the House of God with vain talking. The children should never be allowed to misuse anything in the House of God and should be taught in their young life to have reverence for the House of God.