Selecting Our Priorities

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Preview: In choosing a life with God we must be ever watchful of the choices we make each day and order our lives around what is important to the ministry of His Word over what we may think is important to us.

Scripture Reading: James 2:1-10.

Memory Verse: I Timothy 5:21.

1. What does the Scripture Reading say about the sin of partiality? James 2:9-10.
2. What was Moses’ instruction to the judges of Israel on this matter? Deuteronomy 1:16-17.
3. Where did his instructions come from? Leviticus 19:1, Leviticus 19:15 & Deuteronomy 10:17-19.
Note: When we esteem the rich and famous above the poor and oppressed we show our love of money.
4. What else are we instructed not to do? Why? II Chronicles 19:7 & Deuteronomy 16:19.
5. Should we admire or rebuke those who are striving to be rich? Proverbs 28:20-23.
6. What is promised to those who are not influenced by the proud or those who live and make lies? Psalm 40:4.
Note: It’s sad to say that the heroes and trendsetters of our lifestyle today come from Hollywood and other high paying and ungodly professions. Even our churches are too often impressed with people in high places.
7. Where was man’s heart (or interest) in the days of Noah and Lot? Genesis 6:5-8.
8. Will this condition prevail when our Lord returns? Luke 17:26-30.
9. How difficult is it for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God? Luke 18:24-25.
10. What is our only hope? Luke 18:26-30.
Note: The only way we can prevail is to get our priorities straight. We cannot serve two masters.