Christ - Our Example

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Preview: Christians must look to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to pattern our lives after Him.

Pre-reading: I John 3:1-16 & I John 4:1-12.

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12:1-10.

Memory Verse: I John 2:6.

1. What example of endurance did our Savior present in the above Scripture Reading? How should it affect our attitude?
2. How did Peter explain the example of Jesus’ suffering? I Peter 2:21-24.
3. How should this example of His suffering influence the life of a Christian? I Peter 2:13-20.
4. Is it possible to be happy in the midst of false accusations and punishment? Why? I Peter 3:12-16 & I Peter 4:12-16.
5. Is it better to suffer for something righteous or worldly? I Peter 3:17-18.
Note: Jesus, who knew no sin, suffered and died unjustly accused. He left us a living example so that we can also endure false accusations and persecutions.
6. What kind of mind must we have in order to follow this example? I Peter 4:1-2 & Philippians 2:5-8.
Note: Without the mind of Christ, it will be impossible to follow His example.
7. What was Jesus' example of service? Matthew 20:28 & Mark 10:43-45.
8. What did He instruct us to do? Luke 22:26-27 & John 13:12-14.
9. How are we to love our fellowman? John 13:15 & Ephesians 5:2.
10. Why is it mandatory that we forgive others? Colossians 3:10-17.
Note: In order to be saved we must put on the new man, receive the mind of Christ, and follow His example in suffering, giving, forgiving, serving, and loving.