Does God Approve of Mixed Marriages? Part 1 of 2

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Preview: A mixed marriage refers to the marriage of a believer with a non-believer. God’s views on this subject are explored in this lesson. This is the first part of a two-part lesson on this subject. 

Scripture Reading: II Corinthians 6:1-18. 

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 6:19. 

1. By whom was the first marriage solemnized? Was it a holy marriage? Genesis 2:21-25. 
2. What were God’s closing remarks to this holy pair when they were joined together? Genesis 1:28. 
3. What sort of marriage did Satan introduce to man after he fell from the path of righteousness? Genesis 6:1-2. 
4. How did this condition affect the Lord God? Genesis 6:5-6. 
Note: After the death of Abel God raised up another son unto Adam whom he called Seth. God, in His wisdom, preserved the seed (Christ in the line of Seth). The sons of Seth were known to be the sons of God and should have kept their righteous integrity, but they defiled themselves by marrying daughters descending from the line of Cain. This corruption led men to become so wicked that even their imaginations and thoughts were evil continually. The flood which swept men from the face of the earth was the result of this evil. 
5. What instruction did Paul give to the Church at Corinth? II Corinthians 6:14-16. 
6. In what way did he further admonish them concerning this most important matter? II Corinthians 6:17-18. 
Note: The people of God should be particular when they choose companions. The standards for Christians demand that we choose those who are filled with the Holy Spirit (self-denying children of God who walk in all His Commandments). We are sure to suffer a spiritual injury if we accept anything less than the standard. 
7. How were Moses and the children of Israel affected when their brother brought in the Midianitish woman? Numbers 25:6. 
8. What did Aaron’s grandson do to the Midianitish woman and the man who brought her unto the Israelites? Numbers 25:7-8. 
9. How did the Lord commend the holy zeal of Phinehas? Numbers 25:10-13. 
10. What sin did Solomon commit, and how did it affect him? I Kings 11:4-5. 
11. What instruction did Abraham give to his servant whom he sent to select a wife for his son? Genesis 24:2-4. 
12. What instruction did God give to the children of Israel concerning marriages? Numbers 36:6. 
13. What did Paul say concerning the children of God marrying those who are unbelievers? I Corinthians 6:15. 
Note: God loves His children (those who are called by His name and who live in daily communion with Him). The Lord watches His children with the eye of His love, supports His children with the arm of power, and guides His children with the hand of His providence. Let not our love for God, nor His love for us, be quenched with an unholy marriage. 

To Be Continued… 

Other Lessons* in this series: 

Does God Approve of Mixed Marriages: Part 1 of 2 
Does God Approve of Mixed Marriages: Part 2 of 2 

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.