Job's Patience

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Preview: The story of Job’s life is revealed to teach us a lesson about patience in times of trial.

Scripture Reading: Job 1:1-12.

Memory Verse: Job 2:9.

1. What did the Lord say about Job? Job 1:8.
2. Who else was present to the council of the Sons of God? Job 1:6.
3. How did Satan challenge the Lord? Job 1:9-11.
4. What did the Lord do to prove the Devil was a liar? Job 1:12.
5. What was the first calamity Satan brought on Job? Job 1:14-15.
6. What was the second and third calamity brought upon Job? Job 1:16-17.
7. What was the fourth calamity? Job 1:18-19.
8. In which way did Job sin through his misfortunes and abuse from the Devil? Job 1:22.
9. How did Satan further tempt Job? Job 2:7.
10. What comfort did his wife give Job? Job 2:9.
11. How did Job reprove her? Job 2:10.
12. How did his friends comfort Job? Job 2:11-13.
Note: This was the trying period for Job. He lost all his wealth and his children, but with all of this he sinned not. This is an example we should all follow.
13. How did his friend Eliphaz reprove Job? Job 4:1-9.
14. How did Eliphaz further challenge Job? Job 5:1.
15. What was Job’s faith to the end? Job 13:15.
16. How did Job reprove his friends? Job 16:1-3.
17. How did Job continue his sincerity and praise to God? Job 27:3-4.
Note: Fellow students, read the entire book that you may receive faith that will carry you through your trying days. Condemn not your brother in trouble, as you may reap twice the more. Trust in God, have faith in Jesus, endure trials and persecutions, be a good soldier for Christ, and remember He suffered and died for you.