Lot's Wife: Pillar of Salt

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Preview: The consequences of disobedience are told here through the story of Lot’s wife.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 19:12-29.

Memory Verse: Luke 17:32.

1. Who warned the people of Sodom-Gomorrah before it was destroyed? Genesis 19:12-13.
2. Did Lot go out and give the warning? How did they receive it? Genesis 19:14.
3. At what time was Sodom-Gomorrah destroyed, midnight or in the morning? Genesis 19:15.
4. Were Lot and his wife willing to leave the city? Genesis 19:16.
5. Where were they to escape to live, and was Lot willing to obey the angel’s command? Genesis 19:17-18.
6. Where did Lot want to go? Genesis 19:19-20.
7. Did the angel finally comply with Lot’s wishes? Genesis 19:21-22.
8. What was the name of this city and at what time of the day did they arrive? Genesis 19:23-24.
9. What, besides the two cities, was destroyed in that fire? Genesis 19:25.
10. What happened to Lot’s wife? Genesis 19:26.
11. Had Abraham been praying for Lot and his family? Genesis 19:27-29.
12. Did Lot remain in Zoar? Why or why not? Genesis 19:30.
13. In which way did Jesus refer to Lot and his wife? Luke 17:27-30.
14. What are we especially to remember? Luke 17:32.
Note: This experience should ever be kept before us for several reasons. It is written for our learning that we would not do likewise. Many today are looking back unwilling to walk the narrow way, and as a result we have many becoming dead to the service of God. Salt pillars can never be made alive for the work of God. Two large cities were wiped out because they rejected the message of God. Lot lost everything in the fire except his two daughters and himself. It is a sad experience and, therefore, we are to remember and take heed that we do not do likewise.
15. What was Paul's experience of men turning back to another Gospel? Galatians 1:6.
Note: It is true today that many, after they have learned the truth, begin looking for another Gospel and as they turn, the grace of Christ is withdrawn.
16. How should we treat and entertain messengers with another message? Galatians 1:8.
17. How certain was Paul that he was writing the truth? Galatians 1:20.
18. Did Peter seem to know that men in the last days would be dissatisfied with the truth after they had learned it? II Peter 3:3.
19. What will be the character of those scoffers? II Peter 3:5.
20. What will God do for men who do not receive the truth? II Thessalonians 2:10-11.
21. What will be their final end? II Thessalonians 2:12.
Note: May we all remain faithful to the true calling, and the light which we have received. Even if an angel, apparently from Heaven, appears bringing another Gospel, we should reject it.
22. How should we receive those who come to our houses with another doctrine or another Gospel? II John 1:10-11.
Note: Let us not forget Lot’s wife, and the danger of any of us becoming a pillar of salt for the lack of obedience. Obedience is better than sacrifice.