The Historical Approach to the Law

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Preview: This lesson is a guide to the laws of the Bible. Since the Bible is the foundation of the legal system of all civilized nations, it is very important that matters concerning the laws be understood.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:1-25.

Memory Verse: Genesis 2:1.

1. Consider the first law and order ever recorded. Genesis 1:26-28.
Note: The First Commandment God gave man was to be fruitful and multiply, replenish and take care of the earth; having dominion over all of God’s creation.
2. What did God reveal to Adam about the relationship between a man and his wife? Genesis 2:21-24.
Note: God’s requirement for marriage has not changed. His command is still one woman for one man for life, forsaking all others and working together for unity and harmony. Many marriages fail because one or both refuse to leave and cleave.
3. Are children a curse or a gift and responsibility from God? Discuss. Genesis 33:5, Genesis 48:8-9.
4. What were some of the original laws concerning a father’s responsibilities to the children? Genesis 24:3-9, Genesis 24:36, Deuteronomy 6:6-7.
5. How far reaching was the parent’s authority over his children? Judges 11:30-39.
6. Compare Job’s concern for his children with the concern of today’s parents. Job 1:4-5.
7. Why did God call Abraham to be the father of all nations? Genesis 18:18-19.
8. How much authority did Abraham have at home? Genesis 22:1-10.
Note: Here we find that there was no lawgiver but God. He was the invisible King and the heads of the families remained as the authoritative rulers of the households. God held the father responsible for the conduct of his home. Does He still do this today?
9. What declaration did Joshua make concerning his house? Joshua 24:14-15.
10. On what authority could he make that claim? Joshua 1:1-9.
Note: Joshua had God’s promise for success providing he would trust and obey Him. Joshua claimed that promise through faith and obedience to God’s Commandments.