The Deception of Satan

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Preview: The role of the Devil is explained in this lesson.

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:1-14.

Memory Verse: Revelation 20:10.

1. Where did deception start? Isaiah 14:12-15.
2. How did Christ describe Satan’s fall from Heaven? Luke 10:18.
3. Who fell from Heaven? Were they alone? Revelation 12:4, Revelation 12:9.
4. What descriptive names did Saint John use while talking about Satan? Revelation 20:2.
5. Who was the first person to be deceived by Satan? Genesis 3:4-6.
6. What was the Devil from the beginning? John 8:44.
Note: The Devil was a liar from the beginning, and he is the prince of this world today. He will reign over the earth until Jesus returns to destroy him and his angels.
7. How will others try to deceive us in the last days? Matthew 24:4-5.
8. What people are Satan's followers? II John 1:7.
9. How can we deceive ourselves? I John 1:8.
10. Why are we told to try the spirits? I John 4:1.
11. What will be the condition of evil men in the last days? II Timothy 3:13.